V513 Travel Expenses for Student Recruitment
VCSU academic, administrative or athletic departments involved in the practice of hosting prospective students with special talents, may at the discretion of the department head or director, and with approval of the appropriate Vice President, pay for the travel expenses of an invited student.
- The expenses incurred by an invited student may not exceed transportation costs, meals and lodging.
- Costs for other individuals traveling with the invited student, including parents, are not eligible for payment by VCSU.
- Travel costs will be limited to the cost of transportation to and from the campus and a campus tour for the individual student. Other side trips and tours will not be eligible for payment.
- The cost for meals and lodging must be reasonable and ordinary.
- The funding source for travel costs will not be paid from university state general funds, tuition collection payments or student fees. Payments will be made from departmental fundraising accounts. Expenses are to be paid directly to vendors by VCSU or the VCSU Foundation. No part of the expenses may be paid by any agency or individual external to the university.
- In the case of travel of a prospective student athlete, compliance with all NAIA rules and regulations governing campus visitations and tryouts is mandated.
Sponsor: Vice President for Student Affairs
Approved: December 2010
Reviewed: Spring 2022