Academic Requirements Report FAQ From Advisors
Academic Requirements Report FAQ From Advisors
1.) What does TRNSFR 100-400, TRNSFR HUMLIT, MUS 100ELECT, etc. mean?
On the academic requirements report you may see courses titled TRNSFR 100-400, TRNSFR HUMLIT, MUS 100ELECT, etc. These are courses the student transferred from another school that VCSU did not have an equivalent course for, but credit was still given to the student. To find out what those courses' prefixes, numbers and titles were at the original institution, you must run an Advising Transcript, which is different than an Unofficial Transcript. There is a separate article that shows how to View Advising and Unofficial Transcripts.
2.) How do I know if a course substitution I submitted is on the report?
If a course substitution is fulfilling a requirement, a blue number will appear in the Notes column. To see what the course substitution is, click on that blue number. A description of the course substitution will display.
3.) How can I print the academic requirement report?
For a printer friendly version, click the View Report as PDF button at the top of the report.
4.) Why am I not seeing all of the courses that are required?
If you are not seeing a course that you believe should be listed under a specific requirement, check to see if there is a View All link that you can click on at the top of the course list.
5.) Why does the report say a student took a course during a certain semester, but I do not see that courses listed on their transcript under that semester?
The When column on the report represents when the course was entered into Campus Connection. It does not represent when the student took the course.
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