Wyoming Education Programs
Wyoming Education Program Information

School of Education
101 College Street SW
Valley City, ND 58072
Allen Burgad
Dean, School of Education
Rachel Bopp
Administrative & Assessment Assistant
Dr. Cindy Zahn
Director for Distance Elementary Education
Wyoming College Elementary Education Advising Templates:
online at https://www.vcsu.edu/admissions/apply/
Complete an Application for Admission as a transfer student (TRN).
Transfer students must have a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA and be in good academic standing at the most recently attended institution. Applicants with fewer than 24 transferable credits must meet freshman admission guidelines as well. Visit https://www.vcsu.edu/admissions/application-process/transfer-students/for more information.
Pay the non-refundable fee of $35.
Request official transcripts from each institution attended, including dual credit courses and institutions attended prior to VCSU. Official transcripts through Parchment can be sent to enrollment.services@vcsu.edu.
Important Enrollment and Course Registration Timeline
Planning to start Summer or Fall semester? Submit all materials by April 1.
Planning to start Spring semester? Submit all materials by November 1.
Planning to start Summer semester? Submit all materials by March 1.
You will receive an email from the North Dakota University System (NDUS) Help Desk with directions on how to claim your account. This process must be completed before registering for your classes.
If you have any questions about the application for admission, please contact Enrollment Services at 1.800.532.8641 ext. 37112 or enrollment.services@vcsu.edu.
Campus Connection
Our administrative student information system is Campus Connection. Through Campus Connection, you can register for classes, pay your account online, view grades/unofficial transcripts, and more.
To help you navigate, there are a number of help documents with the detailed instructions available at https://onestop.vcsu.edu/support/solutions/articles/10000035138-continuing-education-campus-connection-and-claiming-accounts.
Help documents include:
Login to Services | Claim your NDUS account | Registration Information
Steps to Claim Your EMPLID
1. Account online at https://ndus.rightanswers.com/portal/ss/
2. Under NDUS Account – Click on Claim your NDSU Account. Enter your birth date and EMPLID, then click Continue.
3. Answer the security questions and create a password.
- Your account has been claimed. You will use this user EMPLID and password to register for classes.
When can I claim my account? After you have been admitted to VCSU and called Enrollment Services, you can claim your account.
Why do I need to claim my account? You will register for classes, pay your account online, view grades or unofficial transcripts, and more through Campus Connection.
You can access Campus Connection at https://studentadmin.connectnd.us.
online at https://studentadmin.connectnd.us/
- Sign into Campus Connection.
- Navigate to Student Center page > Financial Account > Sign Fin Obligation Agreement.
- Select your academic institution: Valley City State University.
- Select the effective term using the magnifying glass. Click Submit.
- Read through the Financial Obligation Agreement and Click Accept. You can either Click Back to Agreement to complete the FOA for future terms or click OK to return to your Student Center.
When can I complete my Financial Obligation Agreement (FOA)? After you have been admitted to VCSU and called Enrollment Services, you can complete your FOA.
1. Schedule meeting with academic advisor to review plan of study and scheduled courses for upcoming semester.
2. Register for Courses online at https://studentadmin.connectnd.us.
Steps to Register for Classes – See Website Help Document Registration Information
- During the first semester at VCSU, you would need to enroll in EDUC 249: Introduction to VCSU Program. Please visit with your advisor to determine the best courses to take each semester.
When can I register? Registration opens in November for spring term, March for summer term, and April for fall term. To view the specific date registration opens, visit http://catalog.vcsu.edu/academic-calendar/.
If you have any questions about registration, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 1-800-532- 8641 ext. 37295 or registrar@vcsu.edu.
Programs Available
Art Education | Business Education | Elementary Education | English Education | Health Education| History Education |
Mathematics Education | Physical Education | Social Science Education | Spanish Education | Technology Education
Program Contacts
Art Education
Gratia Brown
Business Education
Rick Ross
Elementary Education
Dr. Cindy Zahn
English Education
Lee Kruger
History/Social Science Education
Steven King
Mathematics Education
Jamie Wirth
Physical & Health Education
Amber Thompson
Spanish Education
Luis Betancur
Technology Education
Peder Gjovik
Endorsement and Certificates
Early Childhood Endorsement | Kindergarten Endorsement | Middle Level Endorsement or Certificate of Completion | Reading Certificate of Completion |Strategist Special Education Endorsement | Teaching English Language Learners Minor or Endorsement.
Adding an Endorsement to a License
The courses completed within the endorsement are listed on the VCSU transcript, however the endorsement is not specifically listed as a minor or major. Rather, the endorsement is added to a teaching license that is issued by the North Dakota ESPB (Education Standards and Practice Board) and PTSB (Professional Teaching Standards Board). To obtain the actual endorsement, students send to VCSU a Wyoming Institutional Recommendation form. The VCSU curriculum is designed to meet the requirements for the North Dakota ESPB early childhood endorsement.
Access VCSU email, online at https://email.vcsu.edu
- Your VCSU email account will be available after you register in Campus Connection. Temporary credentials will be emailed to the email address on file (the one you provided on the transfer application).
- Faculty and staff will email your VCSU account, as this is the official means of campus communication.
Order textbooks, visit http://bookstore.vcsu.edu or call 1.800.532.8641 ext. 7141
Which credentials will I use? You will use the same username and password as your VCSU email account.
Blackboard, Email, and Helpdesk
At least one week before classes begin, new distance students will receive an email from the VCSU Help Desk with information about your VCSU email account, Blackboard User ID and password. After logging into the VCSU Portal, you should review the Blackboard orientation course found in your Course List. Your VCSU email account is the official means of campus communication. This program is delivered primarily online by Valley City State University. Students are expected to have access to a computer on a regular basis with Internet connection. Technical requirements for distance learners taking online courses can be found at https://onestop.vcsu.edu/support/solutions/articles/10000052665-distance-learning-technical-requirements. The Help Desk is available to answer any questions you have regarding Campus Connection or Blackboard at 1-800-532-8641 ext. 37340 or helpdesk@vcsu.edu.
Why will I use Blackboard LMS? Your online courses are offered through Blackboard LMS. You can communicate with your instructor, classmates, view grades, submit assignments, participate in discussion boards, and many other course activities.
Pay tuition & fees
Term Session Dates
The Term Session dates for Begin Date, Last Day to: Add, Drop with No Record, Drop with a Refund, Last Day to Drop with Record “W”, and End Date are available at https://myweb.vcsu.edu/registrars/.
Coursework can generally be completed at times convenient to the student (within the timeline of the course) from whenever an Internet connection is available.
Partnered Wyoming Institutions
Casper College - Casper, Wyoming
Central Wyoming College - Riverton, Wyoming
Eastern Wyoming College - Torrington, Wyoming
Gillette College - Gillette, Wyoming
Laramie County Community College - Cheyenne, Wyoming
Northwest College - Powell, Wyoming
Western Wyoming Community College - Rock Springs, Wyoming
Allen Memorial Library
Enkhtuya Dutton, Director of Library Services
Business Office
Todd Rogelstad, Manager
Enrollment Services
Erin Heide, Director of Enrollment Services
Financial Aid
Marcia Pritchert, Director of FInancial Aid
Registrar's Office
Shannon Hone, Registrar
Student Academic Services
Kaleen Peterson, Director of Student Academic Services
Technology Services
Mike Nix, Director for Technology Services Desk
A Collaborative Agreement form needs to be completed and submitted to VCSU each semester you are interested in aid assistance and plan to enroll for credits from a ‘host’ Wyoming campus at the same time. The VCSU Consortium Agreement form is available at https://onestop.vcsu.edu/support/solutions/articles/10000024243-vcsu-consortium-agreement. Applicants must complete the FAFSA and include school code 003008 in order to be considered. These forms are available at https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa and the Financial Aid Office. Students in this program are not eligible for VCSU scholarships.
The VCSU Bookstore can meet all your textbook needs. Most books are available two weeks before the session begins. Book purchases may be billed to excess financial aid starting one week prior to the session. If you would like to place a book order, please contact the bookstore at 701-845-7141 with the class information and arrangements for payment or visit us online at http://bookstore.vcsu.edu/home.aspx.
VCSU uses electronic billing (e-bill) for processing statements. Statements will not be mailed. Payment can be made by check, cash, or credit card in the Business Office. Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover) or e-check payments can also be made online in Campus Connection. For information, go to https://www.vcsu.edu/admissions/tuition-fees/.
The tuition charge for all undergraduate courses will be assessed on a per credit hour basis. A few laboratory, lesson or high material use classes may have fees in addition to the tuition charges. Tuition rates are subject to change depending upon State Board of Higher Education action.
If you have any questions about registration, transcripts, or graduation status, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 1-800-532-8641 ext. 37295 or registrar@vcsu.edu.
Drop, Cancel, or Withdraw from VCSU
A refund is based upon the percentage of the enrollment period that has been completed. Please review the Term-Session Add-Drop Dates for the Last Day to Drop with a Refund available at https://myweb.vcsu.edu/registrars/.
OFFICE HOURS (Monday – Friday)
Academic year: 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. C.S.T.
Summer session: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. C.S.T.
Degree and Graduation Requirement
All Elementary Education majors must have a minimum of 120 semester hours to graduate. Students must complete a minimum of 30 credits at VCSU. A complete list of all Degree Requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Education and the Requirements for Graduation can be found in the VCSU Academic Catalog. The VCSU Academic Catalogs are available at http://catalog.vcsu.edu/.
Graduation Audit
After you provide all your official transcripts, the Registrar’s Office will create a Graduation Audit that shows how your classes transfer to VCSU. We will mail you a copy of this transfer evaluation. It is important for you to continue to provide official transcripts to VCSU as you take courses.
General Education Requirements
Students transferring from one of Wyoming’s community colleges will have satisfied VCSU’s lower division General Education Requirements if the students have completed an Associate in Arts (AA) or an Associate in Science (AS) degree. Students who have not completed their AA or AS degree will have their transfer credit evaluated for applicable General Education transfer credit on an individual course-by-course basis.
The Elementary Education major requires the following courses in the general education block for licensure:
- One United States History course (HIST 1211 or HIST 1221)
- One Introduction to Psychology course (PSYC 1000)
- Three science courses with one in Biology, one in Geology, and one in Chemistry or Physics
- One year of English (ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020 or 2010)
Digital Portfolio Requirements
As part of the graduation requirements at VCSU, all students must develop a Teaching for Learning Capstone to demonstrate the ability to plan, implement, evaluate, and reflect on lessons.
To assist students in completing this requirement, we strongly encourage you to enroll in EDUC 249 Introduction to VCSU Program as one of the first classes from VCSU. This course introduces students to VCSU’s abilities and objectives of the ability projects that will be embedded in every course the student takes at VCSU.
VCSU also offers a one credit EDUC 491 Senior Portfolio class that students take during their senior year. This course provides the tools, template, and instructions to complete the digital portfolio requirement.
Student Grades/Official Transcripts
You may view and print your grades and unofficial transcripts in Campus Connection. Grade reports are not mailed.
Official electronic transcripts can be submitted to Enrollment Services via National Student Clearinghouse or Parchment using the email enrollment.servcies@vcsu.edu.
Official paper transcripts can be mailed to Enrollment Services, 101 College St SW, Valley City, ND 58072.
If currently taking courses at another college, you will request your in-progress transcript to be sent at the time of application and then a final transcript once grades are posted.
Admission decision can be made using unofficial transcript, however official copies would be needed at the start of the term.
Am I eligible to receive Financial Aid while enrolled in this program?
When does the semester start and end?
How can I drop, cancel or withdraw from a class or the university?
How can I view my grades?
- Grades can be viewed in Campus Connection.
- Sign into Campus Connection.
- Navigate to Academics -> Grades. Select Grades.
- Choose appropriate term. Click continue.
How can I order official transcripts?
How else can I use Campus Connection?
Which password do I use?
- You will have two primary usernames and passwords to access accounts as a VCSU student:
- Campus Connection
- VCSU email and Blackboard LMS
The following requirements are based on the 2024 - 2025 catalog.
Applicants are admitted to study at Valley City State University based on academic and personal qualifications, consistent with the admissions policies established for all public colleges and universities in the state. The admittance and continuance requirements of the Teacher Education Program go beyond those of the institution. Students are typically admitted into teacher education during their sophomore year or the beginning of the junior year. While enrolled in EDUC 250, the introductory course to Teacher Education, the VCSU Teacher Education Program Handbook is reviewed online. Enrollees are given application forms to complete and submit to the Dean and the Teacher Education Committee.
The student who intends to pursue a program in teacher education must apply to the Teacher Education Committee and be approved for admission to the program. A student must meet the following criteria to be considered for admission:
- A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75.
- A teacher candidate seeking admission to Teacher Education with a cumulative GPA between 2.50 and 2.74 may appeal (see appeal procedure and policy on page 15).
- Satisfactory academic performance with a “C” or higher in Comp I: ENG 110, 210 or equivalent.
- Satisfactory academic performance with a “C” or higher in Comp II: ENG 120, 125, or equivalent.
- Satisfactory academic performance with a “C” or higher in EDUC 250: Introduction to Education.
- Successful completion of a speech screening test.
- Positive recommendation from advisor.
- Positive recommendations from two School of Education and/or content area instructors.
- Evidence of Basic Skills Requirements in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics.
- A teacher candidate seeking admission to Teacher Education who has not met the ND Education and ESPB requirements can apply for the Basic Skills Praxis CORE or ACT Appeal. Students must have three attempts in Praxis CORE or ACT + Writing exams prior to appeal.
- Demonstrate proper dispositions necessary to teach for learning and completion of required field experience.
The Teacher Education Committee will review the documentation and make a recommendation to the School of Education Dean to accept or deny the application for admission to the program. If the applicant is denied admission due to a condition that can be corrected, the applicant may reapply when the deficiency is removed.
To continue in the Teacher Education program, the student must:
- Continue to maintain cumulative grade point average requirements set forth in Criteria for Admission to Teacher Education.
- Demonstrate proper disposition and evidence of good conduct, physical and mental health; and
- Continue to obtain satisfactory recommendations from faculty, staff, and field experience supervisors.
If requirements for continuance are not maintained, the Teacher Education Committee may recommend suspension from the program. The Committee will forward its recommendation to the Dean who will make the final decision. Any such action would be reflected in a letter from the School of Education Dean to the student and the advisor.
The following requirements are based on the 2024 - 2025 catalog.
Student teaching is the culminating experience of the Teacher Education Program. During this time, Teacher Candidates apply what they have learned about theory and methodology through their university coursework and earlier field experiences. Student teaching provides an opportunity to plan and implement interesting, relevant lessons, as well as use a variety of assessment techniques to determine both the effectiveness of instructional strategies and the level of student learning.
Teacher candidates will utilize the Teaching for Learning Capstone (TLC) unit model to plan, implement, evaluate, and reflect on one unit of instruction during their student teaching experience. Student teaching experiences allow for the application of the VCSU conceptual framework, adaptations for diversity, appropriate uses of technology, assessment of student learning, and reflection on teaching practice. Skills in decision making, various instructional strategies, classroom management procedures, and questioning are further enhanced.
Student Teaching requires at least 12 full-time consecutive weeks. VCSU promotes co-teaching strategies to make optimal use of teacher candidates and cooperating teacher efforts to enhance student learning opportunities in the classroom.
Criteria for Admission to Student Teaching
A student must meet the following criteria to be considered for admission to student teaching:
- Admitted to the Teacher Education Program – Admission requirements can be found in the Teacher Education Handbook- https://onestop.vcsu.edu/support/solutions/articles/10000052152-handbooks
- Senior standing with continued satisfactory performance on all criteria for admission and retention in the teacher education program. Recommendations by a representative of Student Affairs and the appropriate department/school chair will be reviewed.
- Completion of the required field experiences including annual criteria for substitute teaching.
- Completion of the professional education sequence before student teaching. The Director of Student Teaching in consultation with the School of Education Dean may make exceptions to this criterion if circumstances warrant changes.
- Submission of student teaching application to the Director of Student Teaching during the semester preceding the semester of student teaching.
Requirements to Student Teach
- Agreement to provide evidence of personal liability insurance by joining the Student North Dakota United (SNDU) or by a private insurance policy, with the minimum requirement is $1,000,000 or greater per cooperating school. The student will present proof of such insurance on or prior to the first day of the semester of student teaching.
- A criminal background investigation through the Education Standards & Practices Board (ESPB), that includes the Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Federal Bureau of Investigation must be completed prior to student teaching.
- Submission of Praxis II test scores or confirmation number of registration for the Praxis II tests (content and Principles of Teaching & Learning (PLT)). See https://praxis.ets.org/state-requirements/northdakota-tests.html requirements for test requirements.
- Meet state standards on North Dakota required tests to measure prospective teacher's content knowledge in reading, writing, and mathematics.
- During student teaching, students will not be allowed to take any semester hours of credit during the 12 weeks of student teaching without approval of the Director of Student Teaching. Students who request to take more than three semester hours of credit during the 12 weeks of student teaching will need approval from the SOE Dean. Any requests for expectations must be presented in writing to the Director of Student Teaching. Classes cannot be taken during the daily full-time student teaching assignment block.
Valley City State University reserves the right to have the student meet additional requirements that the School of Education may establish. The Teacher Education Committee will review the application and recommend to the SOE Dean to approve or deny the application for admission to student teaching.
The Certification Officer makes the recommendation for Teacher Licensure. A teacher candidate must meet the following requirements to be recommended:
- Satisfactory completion of all program requirements as described in the University Catalog and the Teacher Education Program Handbook.
- Successful student teaching experience.
- Successful completion of TLC unit and capstone requirements for his or her major(s).
- Successful completion of all licensure requirements. The School of Education & Graduate Studies sends the application to the North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board for issuance of a teaching license.
Wyoming Licensure
The state of Wyoming has full reciprocity with the state of North Dakota. Process to become licensed in Wyoming with a teaching degree from VCUS includes:
- Complete all coursework and field experience requirements,
- Graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in teacher education,
- Pass the North Dakota Praxis II exams,
- Complete the Wyoming Initial Licensure Application,
- Request VCSU Certification Officer to complete an Institutional Recommendation Form.
For assistance, please contact our Amber Olson, VCSU Licensing Certification Officer at amber1.olson@vcsu.edu or 701-845-7189.