V201 Constitution of the VCSU Faculty Association
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Valley City State University Faculty Association.
Article II. Purpose
The purpose of the Association shall be to foster a liberal education of high quality that is consistent with the University mission, to make determinations regarding the role and status of the faculty, and to render formal advice to the President of the University on such matters. A key objective underlying the purpose is to increase the power of the faculty in governance and in professional performance. Guiding principles shall be: empowerment of the faculty to initiate action and improve quality; facilitation of responsible faculty initiatives by the administration in a spirit of cooperation based on clear definition of roles; and implementation of initiatives through the governance structure.
Article III. Membership
The Faculty Association voting membership, hereafter referred to as Members, shall consist of all faculty with rank of Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor, and any other faculty teaching half-time or more. Non-voting Associate Members shall include all professional-level administrators. Hereafter, Membership shall refer to all those who belong to the Association, including both Members and Associate Members.
Article IV. Meetings
The Association shall have two required meetings, one within thirty days after the beginning of nine month faculty contracts and the second within the forty five days preceding graduation.
Additional meetings may be necessitated by Association action or called by the President of the Association, by majority vote of the Faculty Senate, or by petition containing signatures of ten members. The President of the Association will provide notice and agenda of regular meetings to the membership one week prior to regular meetings and forty-eight hours prior to special meetings. Meetings shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order, latest edition. Members present shall constitute a quorum.
Article V. Officers
The elected officers of the organization shall consist of a president, a vice president, and a secretary. Term of office shall be three years and each officer election will be staggered so that each will begin their term in a different year. The elected term of office begins June 1 and ends May 31.
Section A. President
The president shall preside at meetings of the Association and Faculty Senate and otherwise act as the chief executive officer of the organization; appoint a parliamentarian; and coordinate dissemination of pertinent information to appropriate persons. The president shall select an initial chair for each of the Association committees which elects its own chair. This chair need not be a member of the committee. The only duty of this initial chair is to call the first meeting of the committee and set the agenda for the organizational meeting.
Section B. Vice-President
The vice president shall preside at meetings in the absence of the president; serve as assistant to the president and carry out duties the president may deem necessary.
Section C. Secretary
The Secretary shall record and file minutes of each meeting of the Association and of the Faculty Senate and distribute copies of said minutes to the Membership within one week after each meeting, file received Association committee minutes, keep a record of membership and activities of the Association, and make provisions for balloting at any and all Association meetings.
Section D. Vacancies
Representatives of the Senate shall nominate at least one candidate for any vacancy occurring during a term of office. Nomination may also be by petition as stipulated in Article VI. The secretary shall circulate a list of all nominees to the membership one week prior to the election which shall be held at the next scheduled Association meeting or by mail ballot.
Article VI. Qualification, Nomination, and Election of Officers
Section A. Qualification
Article V describes the term of office. A period of at least one year shall elapse before an officer may be re-elected to the same post. Qualifications for the office of Secretary may be waived by a four-fifths majority vote of those present in an Association meeting.
Section B. Nomination
Departments may nominate candidates for the Association officer whose term will expire. These nominations will be forwarded to the Senate prior to the first Senate meeting of March. If no nominations materialize, Senate will activate a nominating committee for that position.
Section C. Election
Article V describes the term of office. The election of the officer whose term expires will be held on any Association meeting following April 15 and prior to the end of the term. A simple majority will elect the candidate. Should there be a single candidate, a voice vote of affirmation will be sufficient, otherwise a secret ballot must be used. Should a simple majority not be obtained, any voting member may move a proposal as a means to obtain a majority.
The term of office is specified in Article V. In the event the President is no longer able or willing to serve, the sitting Vice-President will assume that office, with a new vote being held to determine the Vice-President. Should both offices be vacated, a new vote will be held as outlined above to elect those offices.
Article VII. Departments
Section A. Definitions
The faculty will be organized into academic departments. Each department will maintain the curricular content of one or more programs of study and the courses that make up the principal content of those programs as well as service courses that may be related to the academic content. The University Administration will determine the number of departments and appoint faculty into each department.
Section B. Responsibilities
Since the department contains the subject matter experts of this academic area, the department will propose the creation, modification and deletion of programs of study. These proposals will be submitted to the Curriculum Committee according to the article on Curriculum Committee in this constitution as well as policy given outside of this constitution. The department may also submit proposals concerning the creation, modification and deletion of courses to either Curriculum Committee or General Education Committee depending on policy. Changes not requiring a catalog change may be handled solely by the department. Scheduling of courses, including the selection of instructor, are the responsibility of the department in cooperation with the University Registrar and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Departments will conduct searches to fulfill faculty vacancies or to obtain adjunct faculty. The results of these searches will be forwarded to the University Administration for final disposition.
Departments are integral members in faculty governance. They shall submit faculty names to Faculty Senate or Association for committees of the Association.
Section C. Meetings
Each department will meet periodically during the academic year, but at least once a semester. Any member may request a meeting. Meetings will be announced in advance at convenient times, so that all members will have opportunity to attend. Each departmental meeting will have minutes recorded. These minutes will be approved at the next meeting and when approved submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Section D. Officers
Each department will have a chair. The means of the selection of a chair will be a matter of policy of the individual department. This policy will be described in a document and approved at departmental meetings. The approved document will be forwarded to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The department may designate particular members with specified duties. These should also be recorded in the minutes.
Section E. Membership
Any member of the Association assigned to the department will have a vote in departmental meetings. The department shall make policy concerning the voting status of adjunct instructors or staff assigned to the department. This policy must be recorded in the minutes and approved by the University Administration.
Faculty may be on joint appointment to multiple departments. Such faculty have full voting rights in each department. A faculty member may represent multiple departments on any Association committee, however in such cases they have only one vote on any committee.
Article VIII. Faculty Senate
Section A. Membership
The Faculty Senate shall be composed of one member elected by each participating department, the Secretary of the Association, the representative to the Council of College Faculties, a student representative selected by the Student Senate, and the President of the University or his/her representative. Voting members include elected departmental representatives with the exception of the presiding officer, who may only vote in the case of a tie.
Each participating department shall elect its representative to Senate and forward the name of the Senator to Senate at least one week before the first Senate meeting of March. In addition, if the departmental Senator is unable to attend a particular meeting, the department may elect an alternate at any time. If any department fails to elect a Senator, it forfeits Senate representation until it elects a Senator, but will be eligible to forward a name at any time in the current or following year.
A department may elect an eligible faculty member from outside their department to be their Senator. However, if the department chooses to have another department’s Senator represent them in Senate, that person still has only one vote.
The elected term of office begins June 1 and ends May 31. There will be no term limits for Senators. Vacancies among elected members shall be filled for the duration of the vacated term by the alternate or by election from the affected department.
Section B. Officers
Article VI above describes the process for electing officers and Article V outlines their duties.
Section C. Duties and Responsibilities
Regular meetings of the Faculty Senate shall be held monthly during the nine-month academic year. Special meetings may be called by the President of the Association by giving written notice to the members twenty-four hours in advance of such a meeting. A quorum shall be greater than 50% of elected senators.
Activities shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Receiving proposals, suggestions, and information from faculty, staff, administrators and students. With the exception of constitutional amendments, such proposals and suggestions when supported by at least 80% of Senators in attendance will be reported to the Association and the administration as action taken. Votes on issues receiving less than 80% will be placed on the Association’s agenda. Constitutional amendments follow the procedures outlined in Article XVII.
- Preparing the agenda for the Association meetings which shall include a review of action taken.
- Appointing members to committees as called for in this constitution or establishing temporary committees as deemed necessary.
- Receiving reports from the administration on proceedings of the Board of Higher Education or legislative bodies concerning the University and keeping the Association informed regarding pertinent actions by these groups.
- Expressing and passing on to the Association for consideration opinions and resolutions on any questions relating to Valley City State University.
- Requesting that directors and other academic officers present summaries as it deems appropriate.
Article IX. Curriculum Committee
Section A. Membership
Curriculum Committee membership shall consist of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Registrar of the University, the chair or a designee of the Teacher Education Committee, five members elected by the Faculty Association, and one student nominated for a one-year term by the Student Senate and appointed by the Committee. Voting committee members include only the elected faculty members. No department may have more than one member on the committee. Departments will forward nominations to the association. Elections shall be held at the first Faculty Association meeting of the academic year.
Members shall serve five-year terms. One member shall be elected each year. Eligible members must be tenure-track, have completed one year of teaching at VCSU, and may serve multiple consecutive terms. Department Chairs are not eligible to serve as elected members unless the Senate consents with a two thirds majority. In the event that a member cannot complete a term, the same process of nomination and election will be used to elect a replacement to finish the former member’s term.
Section B. Officers
The Committee shall elect its own chair. The chair shall be a faculty member and may serve multiple consecutive terms.
In the absence of a committee-elected chair, the President of the Faculty Association will appoint a temporary chair to call an organizational meeting within a period not to exceed three weeks from the initial election of committee members to elect the committee chair. Curriculum Committee chairs may serve multiple terms.
Section C. Duties and Responsibilities
The Chair will ensure that minutes from meetings are forwarded to the Faculty Association Secretary within two weeks from the date of the last meeting, and submit a summary of committee activities no later than the first Senate meeting of the following year.
Activities shall include, but are not limited to, receiving department and school-approved requests for curriculum changes and making recommendations concerning them to the Faculty Senate.
Article X. The Graduate Council
Section A. Membership
Membership on the Graduate Council shall include the following voting graduate faculty members: two from the School of Education and Graduate Studies, one from each graduate program concentration, and two from the graduate faculty-at-large. The Administrator of Graduate Studies and Research shall vote only in case of a tie, and prepare the agenda for council meetings. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall serve as an ex-officio member without the right to vote.
The Graduate Council Chair, in consultation with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, shall appoint all members for the Council except the two graduate faculty-at-large. The Graduate Council chair shall receive nominations from the graduate faculty for the two graduate faculty-at-large members and submit nominations to the Faculty Senate for a vote. These members shall serve two year terms.
In the event that a member cannot complete a term, that term will be filled using the same process of appointment or nomination and election. Members may serve multiple consecutive terms.
Section B. Officers
The Administrator of Graduate Studies and Research shall serve as chair.
Section C. Duties and Responsibilities
The Graduate Council derives its powers from the Constitution of the Valley City State University Faculty Association. All matters impacting graduate education will be conducted in accordance with the policies of the Faculty Association constitution and Graduate Council. The Chair will ensure that minutes from meetings are forwarded to the Faculty Association Secretary within two weeks from the date of the last meeting, and submit a summary of committee activities no later than the first Senate meeting of the following year.
Activities shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Promoting graduate education at Valley City State University.
- Recommending addition or termination of graduate courses and graduate program concentrations.
- Determining standards and policies for selection and evaluation of graduate faculty and graduate instruction.
- Determining standards and policies for selection, retention, and graduation of graduate students.
- Acting upon appeal by petition of graduate standards and policies by faculty and students and assuring uniform application of the standards and policies.
Article XI. Faculty Advocacy Committee
The mission of the Faculty Advocacy Committee is to promote, advance, and foster VCSU faculty welfare within Valley City State University and the broader North Dakota University System.
Section A. Membership
Membership on the Faculty Advocacy Committee shall consist of five faculty members, in addition to the chair. Elected members shall serve two-year terms. A member may serve multiple consecutive terms. If a member cannot complete a term then that term will be completed by a faculty member selected by the same process. One nomination for the committee may be provided by each department before the first Faculty Association meeting in the Fall semester of each year. No department may have more than one member on the committee. Two members will be elected in the odd-numbered years and three members will be elected in the even-numbered years. At the first Faculty Association meeting in the Fall semester, members of the Faculty Association will vote for the representatives from the list of nominees.
Section B. Officers
The chair of the Faculty Advocacy Committee shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate. The President of the University, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Vice President of Student Affairs and the Vice President for Business Affairs shall serve as ex-officio members. The ex-officio members may not vote in the Faculty Advocacy meetings.
Section C. Duties and Responsibilities
The committee deals with affairs related to faculty welfare, such as faculty load, benefits, and policies. Faculty members are encouraged to forward to the committee any relevant concerns about faculty welfare.
The Chair will ensure that minutes from meetings are forwarded to the Faculty Association Secretary within two weeks from the date of the last meeting, and submit a summary of committee activities no later than the first Senate meeting of the following year.
Article XII. General Education Council
Section A. Membership
The committee shall consist of the Vice President of Academic Affairs as a non-voting, ex officio member, and one faculty member from each Department. Each Department will elect its own representative. The term of office for faculty members will be three years, and members may serve multiple consecutive terms. In the event a member cannot complete a term, that term will be completed by another faculty member from the same Department using the same process. Additionally, one of the two campus representatives to the NDUS General Ed Council must come from among the sitting members of the General Education committee. That representative will be elected by this committee and confirmed by Senate.
Section B. Officer
The Vice President of Academic Affairs shall serve as committee chair until the committee elects a new chair. The chair votes only in the event of a tie.
Section C. Duties and Responsibilities
The Chair will ensure that minutes from meetings are forwarded to the Faculty Association Secretary within two weeks from the date of the last meeting, and submit a summary of committee activities no later than the first Senate meeting of the following year.
Activities shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Reviewing proposed changes to the General Education program for recommendation to the Curriculum Committee.
- Establishing and overseeing a process for the assessment of the General Education program.
- Aligning the General Education program with other campus programs and initiatives as it deems appropriate.
Article XIII. Standing Committee on Faculty Rights
Section A. Membership
The Standing Committee on Faculty Rights of Valley City State University shall consist of five tenured faculty members, elected for staggered five-year terms. No department may have two members serving concurrently. Departments will forward eligible candidate names to the Association.
The nominees will be elected at the first meeting of the Faculty Association in the fall of the year. Members may serve multiple consecutive terms. In the event that a member cannot complete a term, that term will be completed by another faculty member using the same process of nomination and election.
In instances of conflict of interest additional temporary committee members will be selected from the eligible faculty association members. The Committee shall select the needed temporary members.
Section B. Officers and Meetings
The committee only meets when called for pertinent matters.
The senate president will select a temporary chair from the committee members at the first senate meeting in the fall of the year. This chair will be the contact person for the committee and receive the materials for matters brought in front of the committee and call the first meeting of the committee. At the first meeting, the Committee shall elect its own chair for the duration of the matter at hand. The chair shall be a faculty member.
Due to problems with conflict of interest, the committee may elect a different chair for each case. These chairs may serve concurrently, if multiple matters are before the committee.
Section C. Duties and Responsibilities
The Chair will ensure that minutes from meetings are forwarded to the Faculty Association Secretary within two weeks from the date of the last meeting, and submit a summary of committee activities no later than the first Senate meeting of the following year.
Activities shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Investigating any alleged violation of the Regulation on Academic Freedom, Tenure, and Due Process.
- Holding and conducting hearings according to governing State Board of Education policies on all matters referred to it under these policies.
- Holding and conducting meetings in accordance with State Board of Higher Education policy concerning mediation, faculty grievances, hearings and appeals.
- 4. Performing any other duties and responsibilities as articulated by State Board of Higher Education policies.
Article XIV. Teacher Education Committee
Section A. Membership
The Teacher Education Committee shall consist of the Dean for the School of Education, Director of Student Teaching, Director of Field Experience, Assessment Coordinator and one faculty member from each academic program with a degree leading to teacher licensure. These faculty members shall be chosen by their respective programs, from faculty members who have professional preparation and experience in Teacher Education. Should no faculty member be so qualified, the program may choose any member. They shall be elected prior to September 1. A faculty member’s length of term is indefinite and determined by the faculty member’s program.
In addition, two public school teachers, one elementary and one secondary, and two public school administrators, one elementary and one secondary, shall be members as well as two VCSU students, with one majoring in Elementary Education and one majoring in Secondary Education. The Dean for the School of Education, in consultation with the committee, will select public and student members.
All Committee members, except the Chair, will have voting privileges. The Chair will only vote in the case of a tie.
Section B. Officers
The Dean for the School of Education shall chair the Teacher Education Committee.
Section C. Responsibilities of the Committee
The Chair will ensure that minutes from meetings are forwarded to the Faculty Association Secretary within two weeks from the date of the last meeting, and submit a summary of committee activities no later than the first Senate meeting of the following year.
Committee activities shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
- The Committee shall, by vote, admit, deny admission, or grant provisional admission to Teacher Education. After reviewing student progress the Committee shall vote to admit or deny admission to student teaching.
- Reviewing curricular changes including the introduction of new courses, adjustments in programs, changes in existing courses, the addition of programs of study which relate directly to Teacher Education. The Committee shall advise and consent to the institutional Curriculum Committee concerning any curricular proposals before that Committee affecting Teacher Education.
- Reviewing relevant data to make informed decisions.
- Periodically reviewing the policies which govern Teacher Education. The Committee shall provide advice and consent to policy changes initiated by institutional committees, or the School of Education and Graduate Studies which directly affect the administration of the Teacher Education program.
Article XV. Council of College Faculties
The Council of College Faculties is a structure of the North Dakota University System with faculty representation from each campus, representatives serving three year terms. Association Members who have held membership two full academic years prior to taking office are eligible to serve. The VCSU representative shall be nominated and elected in the same manner and timing as the officers of the Association and will become a member of the Senate. Term of membership begins June 1.
The representative or alternate shall attend Council of College Faculties meetings or send a Senate-approved alternate. The representative shall report the actions and concerns of the Senate/Association to the Council and shall report the actions and concerns of the Council to the Senate/Association. The representative shall submit an annual report to the Senate in May, summarizing the activities of the Council.
Article XVI. Election of General Education Council delegates
The General Education Council is a structure of the North Dakota University System with faculty representation from each campus. Representatives shall serve three year terms, beginning on June 1. Association Members who have held membership two full academic years prior to taking office are eligible to serve. One VCSU representative shall be elected by the General Education Committee as stated in Article XI. A second at-large representative, as well as an alternate, shall be nominated and elected in the same manner and timing as the officers of the Association.
The representatives or alternate shall attend General Education Council meetings and report to the General Education Committee.
Article XVII. Constitution Review Committee
Section A. Membership.
The committee shall consist of the parliamentarian and two additional faculty members appointed by the Senate. The term of office for the two faculty members will be two years and they may serve multiple consecutive terms.
Section B. Officer.
The parliamentarian shall serve as committee chair unless the committee elects a new chair.
Section C. Duties and Responsibilities.
The Chair will ensure that minutes from meetings are forwarded to the Faculty Association Secretary within two weeks from the date of the last meeting, and submit a summary of committee activities no later than the first Senate meeting of the following year.
Activities shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Preparing amendments to the VCSU Faculty Association Constitution which will be forwarded to the Senate for placement on the Association docket.
- Reviewing proposed amendments to the VCSU Faculty Association Constitution which will be forwarded to the Senate for placement on the Association docket.
Article XVIII. University Promotion and Tenure Committee
Section A. Membership
Membership of the University Promotion and Tenure committee will consist of six tenured faculty members selected from the faculty at large. No more than one member of each department can serve on the committee. Department chairs may not serve on this committee.
Members shall serve staggered three years terms.
Elections of members shall be held at department meetings during the Fall Semester, no later than September 1.
Departments that do not have a member on the committee will forward to faculty association a faculty member to be on the committee. A department without a qualified faculty member need not forward a name for consideration.
Faculty Association will vote from the pool of candidates for committee members.
Section B. Officer
The Vice President for Academic Affairs will serve as the chair but shall be a non-voting member.
Section C. Duties and Responsibilities
The University Promotion and Tenure committee is responsible for the evaluation of tenure and promotion requests submitted by departments. The committee forwards a recommendation to the president, regardless of the vote on the recommendation. The committee also reviews the portfolios of tenure track faculty and provides feedback to the faculty member. A member is not eligible to vote on faculty tenure and promotion of a faculty member of the same department.
Article XIX. Other Committees
Appointments to the following standing committees shall be made during September. Faculty members shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate and students by the Student Senate. Appointments shall provide for staggered two-year terms. Individuals may be appointed to continuing service on a committee for any number of consecutive terms.
A. Financial Aid Committee
This committee shall consist of the Director of Financial Aid (designated as chair), the Foundation Director, the Director of Enrollment Services, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Vice President for Business Affairs, two faculty members elected by the Faculty Association for a two year term, and one student appointed by Student Senate. All members vote.
The purpose of the committee shall be: to recommend policies and procedures related to financial aid; to establish scholarship policies and scholarship criteria; and to serve as the hearing body for the appeals of Financial Aid suspension.
B. Diversity Waiver Selection Committee
This committee shall consist of the Vice President/Dean for Student Affairs (designated as chair), the Vice President/Dean for Academic Affairs or the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs (designated as vice chair), the Director for International Programs, Director for Enrollment Services, the Assistant Financial Aid Director, the Director for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, two faculty members elected by the Faculty Association for two year terms, and one student appointed by Student Senate. All members except the chair vote. The chair may vote in case of a tie.
The purpose of the committee shall be to establish criteria, review applications, and make selections for Foreign Student Waivers and Cultural Diversity Waivers.
C. Academic and Scholastic Standing Committee
This Committee shall consist of the Registrar of the University, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Director for Student Academic Services, and two members of the faculty at-large. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will serve as the chair of the committee.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The Committee shall consider petitions and routine matters concerning student academic affairs and advise the Vice President for Academic Affairs in the areas of academic and scholastic standing.
D. Teaching and Learning Committee
This Committee shall consist of the seven faculty members elected by the Association. Departments may nominate no more than one member for the election, and may not have more than one sitting member at a time. At least one member of the committee must be from the graduate faculty. The Vice President for Academic Affairs may appoint one staff person as a non-voting member but is not required to do so. The committee shall elect its own chair. The term on the committee will be two years.
The duties of the Teaching and Learning Committee shall include the following:
- Proposing and reviewing policy relating to best practices in teaching and learning.
- Identifying faculty needs for professional development and training.
- Proposing solutions for satisfying the needs identified in 2.
- Advocating for initiatives relating to teaching and learning.
E. Additional Committees
The Faculty Association and the Faculty Senate shall have the prerogative to create ad hoc committees when necessary.
Article XX. Amendment Procedure
Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be presented in written form at a regular Association meeting and distributed to the voting membership by the secretary within one week after the meeting. At least thirty days shall elapse between the distribution of proposed changes and the vote, which shall be by written ballot at an Association meeting. The Senate shall set a date for voting, and the secretary shall provide opportunities for absentee voting prior to the meeting. If the proposed amendments are approved by a two-thirds majority of those voting, the Constitution shall be amended, pending approval by the University President and the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education.
Article XXI. Ratification
Ratification of this Constitution shall be by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Association.
Article XXII. Academic Units
The Association shall recognize two types of Academic Units: schools and departments. A school shall have as its head a dean, while a department shall have as its head a department chair.
Each department shall adopt a democratic model for recommending chairs to the Vice President for Academic Affairs; faculty with continuing appointments shall have the right to evaluate their department heads on a regular basis. Deans are appointed by the administration.
Amendments to or revisions of the by-laws must be proposed in writing at a regular meeting of the Faculty Association one month prior to voting on the above. The by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present at any Faculty Association meeting.
Article I. Other Membership
Membership in the Faculty Association shall include:
Associate membership in the Faculty Association shall include all other faculty and all professional level administrators. Associate members are not eligible to vote.
Article II. Annual Reports of Standing Committees
The chair of each standing committee shall submit to the Faculty Senate an annual report consisting of a summary of the committee's activities with a due date to be determined by Faculty Senate in the last meeting in May.
Sponsor: VCSU Faculty Association
Revised: April 24, 2003
Effective: Fall 2003
Amended: April 18, 2005
Effective: Fall 2005
Amended: April 11, 2007
Effective: Fall, 2007
Amended: November 9, 2009
Effective: Fall 2009
Amended: April 2010
Effective: Upon Ratification (April 2010)
Amended: April 2011
Effective: Fall 2011
Amended: April 2013
Effective Fall 2013
Amended: April 2015
Effective: Fall 2015
Amended: April 2018
Effective: Fall 2018
Amended: May 2019
Effective: Fall 2019
Amended: December 2020
Amended: May 2020
Amended: May 2021
Amended: May 2022