V601.04 Selection and Appointment Procedures for Full-Time Tenure Track Positions
A. Initial Procedures
Appointments to the Valley City State University faculty are made by the President of the University. Procedures used in the opening of faculty positions and in the selection of candidates are as follows:
1. The faculty needs of each department are determined on the basis of schedule requirements, anticipated enrollment, program development and anticipated retirements, resignations, and approved leaves of absence.
2. A position open because of a retirement or resignation should be discussed by the Chair and the Vice President for Academic Affairs to determine whether the position requires a search. The Vice President for Academic Affairs then requests approval to search from the President. No search can be conducted without the President’s approval.
3. A new position request requires budget approval from the VPAA, VPBA, and President. The department chair should develop a statement of need, using curriculum information, enrollment data and faculty loads to support the request. Requests for new positions should be submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs in October, and are subject to annual budgeting guidelines/process.
4. When the department chair receives approval to move forward, the chair will establish a search committee, prepare a vacancy notice, and develop the screening sheet for initial review.
- The Search Committee should include at least four faculty members, including the department chair. The department chair should chair the search committee.
- The Search Committee should approve the vacancy notice and screening sheet before the position is ready to post.
- The Search Committee should recommend locations for advertisement.
5. The department chair works with the Director of Human Resources to enter the position information in the software being used for faculty searches.
6. In order for an application to be considered complete, it should include a letter of application, a resume, at least three letters of reference, and undergraduate and graduate transcripts (unofficial transcripts acceptable for application, if hired official transcripts will be required.). Departments may require additional materials as appropriate to the field of study.
7. The position will be posted via electronic means once VCSU approvals have been secured. The chair should work with the Director of Human Resources to place ads in appropriate locations, based on the recommendations of the Search Committee.
8. The position must be posted for at least 20 days.
9. The Human Resources Director will conduct initial screening for Veteran’s preference and release the applications after the closing date.
10. The Search Committee will review all complete applications and decide which candidates merit consideration as semi-finalists.
- The Search Committee may conduct email, phone or video screening sessions to limit the pool.
- The Committee must develop a standard set of questions to ask semi-finalists and references when contacts are made.
- Contacts will be made by the Chair or by a member or members designated by the Chair. All notes taken during this process become part of the search file.
- It is recommended that the search committee notify the semi-finalists of the expected salary range.
- The Search Committee will choose the finalists whose complete credentials have been examined.
11. The chair will ask permission to invite candidates to campus.
B. Procedures for Conducting an Interview
1. With the permission of the VPAA, the Chair of the committee will issue invitations for campus interviews to the finalists. The Chair of the Search Committee is responsible for scheduling the interview process. A sample interview schedule is attached. The interview may include:
a. Campus tour
b. City tour and local realtor
c. Individual interviews with the President, VPAA, VPBA
d. Teaching/research presentation
e. Meet with members of the Department
f. Interview with the Search Committee
g. Meeting with students
2. Meals, travel, and accommodations should be arranged by the search committee and will be paid for by the Office for Academic Affairs following guidelines in policy V806.2.1 and SBHE 806.1. As a general principal, the Academic Affairs office will reimburse for the applicant's meal and two members of the search committee. The Chair of the committee should discuss the anticipated expenses with the VPAA before inviting candidates to campus.
3. The Chair will notify the University community of each interview prior to the candidate's arrival on campus and distribute the candidate’s vita for review.
C. Appointment
1. Recommendations for appointment to the faculty come from the Department Chair (Form #AA-32), after consultation with the Search Committee, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Vice President for Academic Affairs reviews the recommendation and forwards his or her recommendation to the President of the University (Form #AA-33). The letter of appointment will be issued from the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and will detail the salary, rank and years of professional experience to be applied toward tenure. A copy of the letter will be sent to the Department Chair and the Vice President of Business Affairs.
3. The Director of Human Resources inform all applicants of the final outcome of the search. Candidates who interview on campus should receive a personal response from the department chair.
4. After the final selection of a candidate has been made and the candidate has signed a letter of appointment, the following information should be deposited in the Human Resources Office by the Department Chair:
• All correspondence, both external and internal, relating to the position
• Relevant notes on phone calls and information contacts made by the Division Chair or Committee members concerning the candidates.
5. The Vice President for Academic Affairs should inform the faculty that a candidate has signed the contract and also distribute a brief "Vita" of the candidate.
6. All application materials will be kept on file for seven years, then destroyed.
Required Forms:
• AA 32 Appointment Memorandum: Departmental Recommendations
• AA-33 Appointment Memorandum: Recommendation of Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President of the University
Other Documents:
• Proposed Interview Schedule
Academic supporting documents can be found in OneStop.
Sponsored by: Vice President for Academic Affairs
Reviewed: Winter 1996
Reviewed: July 2001
Revised: October 2010
Revised: February 2021