V601.05 Selection and Appointment Procedures for Practitioner Track and Adjunct Faculty
SBHE Policy 605.1, section 4 recognizes three types of faculty appointments: tenured, probationary, and special. Selection and appointment of tenured and probationary appointments is outlined in VCSU policy V601.4; Special Appointments are used for Practitioner Track and Adjunct faculty, following the processes described below.
Practitioner Track and Adjunct faculty members must meet the same professional qualifications as full-time, tenure track members. Procedures used in identifying positions and selecting candidates are as follows:
- The Department Chair determines the faculty needs of the department on the basis of schedule requirements, anticipated enrollment, and program development.
- For a practitioner track position request, the Department Chair requests approval via email from the VPAA, who then discusses program needs with the President.
- If a position is approved, the Department Chair initiates the position request to search process with HR to identify candidates. A national search is not required. Any recruitment costs must be discussed in advance with the VPAA.
- The Department Chair or designee conducts the initial screening of candidates in consultation with appropriate members of the Department.
- After reviewing the candidates, the Department Chair or designee chooses the best candidate for the position and forwards that information to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, using form AA-32. Formal, on campus interviews are not required.
- The VPAA will request approval from the President, using form AA-33, and issue a letter of appointment, A contract will be issued from the Office of the President when annual contracts are prepared.
3. For a part-time adjunct position, the Department Chair must consult with the VPAA and receive email approval from the VPAA for any new adjunct hires. New adjunct hires must submit hiring documents through the HR adjunct faculty application process.
- Adjunct requests are submitted as part of the Adjunct/Overload report form each semester.
- Adjunct appointments will receive a letter of appointment at the start of the term outlining duties and salary.
4. All practitioner track and adjunct faculty are required to maintain updated credential files in the Academic Affairs office. This file should include a current vita and transcripts.
Required Forms
- AA 32 Appointment Memorandum: Divisional Recommendations
- AA-33 Appointment Memorandum: Recommendation of Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President of the University
Forms are located in One Stop
Sponsored by: Vice President for Academic Affairs
Approved: APAC June 6, 1990
Reviewed: Winter 1996
Revised: October 2010
Revised: May 2022