V705.02 Employee Assistance Program
The purpose of the Employee Assistance Program is to provide services for employees that deal with personal and interpersonal problems, financial concerns, addictions, marital problems and other concerns. Most employees may overcome personal problems without professional assistance, but at times, professional counseling and/or referral to appropriate community agencies may be beneficial.
The cost for assessment, short-term counseling, and referral is covered by Valley City State University. The employee is responsible for other services not covered by the Employee Assistance Program.
Below are the guidelines for utilizing the Employee Assistance Program:
- The program is available to all employees and their eligible household members as defined by the provider, regardless of the employee’s job title or responsibility.
- Employees will receive a certain number of counseling sessions per household member as defined by the provider.
- All employees are responsible for using this program, when appropriate, to assist in resolving job performance deficiencies related to personal problems. Supervisors and administrative representatives will be given a comprehensive orientation session to identify goals, objectives, and the mechanism for referring employees for services. Employees will receive a general orientation session to provide an overview of what services are available and how to make use of those services.
- A supervisor may encourage, but not require an employee to seek assistance to determine if personal problems are causing unsatisfactory job performance. If performance problems are corrected, no further action will be taken. If performance problems persist, the employee will be subject to the normal discipline procedures.
- When an employee voluntarily comes for assistance, no contact is made with the supervisor. When the employee comes for services at the request or referral of a supervisor, there will be a follow-up contact with the referring supervisor which will discuss whether the employee came for the appointment and whether the employee is following general recommendations relating to treatment/follow-up services.
- Participation in the program will not jeopardize an employee's job security or promotional opportunities.
- All records and discussions of the personal problem will be handled in a confidential manner by the provider. They will not be released without the expressed, written consent of the employee and they will not become a part of the employee’s personnel file.
- Where necessary, leave will be granted in accordance with established procedure. If a supervisor refers an individual based on performance concerns or an employee requests referral from the supervisor, sick leave will be granted.
- The employee may request that the supervisor attend counseling sessions with him/her.
Sponsored by: Vice President for Business Affairs
Revised: Spring 2004
Revised: 2014