V605.09 Faculty Responsibilities
Along with academic freedom and tenure, all faculty members recognize certain responsibilities to their students, their colleagues, to the University, and to the state and broader community.
I. To students, faculty members have a responsibility for:
A. Keeping abreast of current developments in their disciplines, continuously updating course content, improving the method of instruction, and regularly evaluating the effectiveness of their instruction,
B. Maintaining in their courses within the learning management system (LMS), classrooms and elsewhere an intellectual and attitudinal environment in which students are stimulated to learn, to ask questions, and to explore alternative approaches to problems
C. Respecting students as persons, being concerned about their progress, and being willing to hear their points of view without prejudice.
D. Distributing (virtually, via LMS) to each student at the beginning of each semester a written course syllabus which specifies
1. the objectives of the course
2. the general method of instruction
3. course requirements such as term papers, reports, and scheduled tests
4. a clear statement of the basis on which grades will be determined
5. an explanation of the credit hour/workload basis of the course
6. any other items required either in VCSU policy or by directive from the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
7. A virtual copy of the course syllabus will be filed in the VPAA office.
E. Informing students as early as possible in the semester of the policy concerning attendance. Students' grades should be based on recognized academic standards.
F. Reporting to Director for Student Academic Services directly or through the early alert, retention and advising system student grade, attendance or other academic concerns.
G. Holding classes and examinations as scheduled and, in the event of necessary absence, informing students in advance of changes in schedule and making suitable alternative arrangements relating to course work or other matters of concern and interest to students.
H. Posting and maintaining a schedule of office hours. Faculty should post, both in the LMS and on their office doors, a schedule indicating times when they will be available for consultation.
II. With respect to their colleagues, faculty members are responsible for:
A. Avoiding conduct which intentionally and substantially obstructs or disrupts teaching or other lawful activities on the University campus.
B. Respecting the rights of free inquiry and expression of opinion by their colleagues in accordance with the University's statement on academic freedom.
C. Acknowledging in his/her own publications the contribution which colleagues have made to his/her research and other endeavors when peer evaluation is required for the purposes of promotion, curriculum assessment, and the like.
D. Maintaining collegial interactions with colleagues, to include professional interactions, delivering on commitments, and acknowledging mistakes.
III. With respect to the University, faculty members have a responsibility for:
A. Participating in the committee work and other channels of governance on departmental and University levels.
B. Observing the regulations of the University which are designed to promote freedom for teaching and research and participating through orderly means in seeking modification in these regulations when necessary.
IV. Faculty members are encouraged to participate in endeavors for improvement of the economic, social, and cultural life of the community, especially when they have an expertise which may make their contribution particularly valuable and when such a contribution can be made without interfering with their primary obligations for teaching and scholarly endeavor.
Sponsored by: Faculty Association
Reviewed: Winter, 1996
Number Change: October 2010 (formerly V611)
Revised: Spring 2022