V605.16 Reporting Grades and Academic Progress
In order for students to receive federal financial aid, VCSU must comply with federal regulations regarding satisfactory academic progress. Faculty have the responsibility of maintaining accurate records and reporting at specific intervals during the semester, so the Financial Aid office can comply with Title IV regulations.
Faculty are responsible for documenting the last day of attendance. Faculty must be prepared to sign, date, and document the last day of attendance; this documentation may be audited. Please see V605.15 (Report of Student Absences) for specific details. The federal government holds the institution liable for any funds dispersed to students who did not attend the institution.
Second Week Notice of Non-Attendance
All faculty must document those students not attending class by no later than the second week of classes, following the procedure established by the VPAA. Timely submission of this information will prevent the disbursement of federally funded financial aid to individuals who are not attending.
Feedback and Grading
Timely reporting of academic challenges allows for intervention, strengthening VCSU's ability to support students academically.
As a general rule, faculty should respond to student work within two weeks of the assignment’s due date; deviations from this principle should be explained in the syllabus or communicated with students on a per-assignment basis.
In an effort to clarify how students will receive timely feedback, including grades, faculty shall include a statement in each course syllabus which:
communicates specifically how feedback will be delivered for the course;
- describes how students can best access different types of feedback, including their grades, throughout the course;
- identifies a reasonable time frame for when feedback and grades can be expected;
- addresses how said faculty will communicate with students should they need to deviate from the allotted timeframe.
When specifically communicating grades, faculty will use the university’s official LMS grade center.
Midterm Deficiencies (D/F Grades)
Midterm deficiencies (D/F grades) should be reported after the 8th week of classes following the procedure established by the VPAA.
Final Grades
Final grades are due on the Tuesday following finals week (or the Tuesday following the last day of the term, in summer sessions), at 10:00 am. Timely submission of final grades is essential, as a number of student service functions, including financial aid, honors, and probation, cannot be run until all grades are submitted.
Notation of last day of attendance/participation should be made in ConnectND for all students who receive a grade of "F."
Sponsor: Faculty Senate
Approved: December 2012
Revised: October 2016
Revised: Spring 2022