V611.11 Holidays
Employees of all state institutions of higher learning shall observe the following legal holidays:
- New Year's Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- President’s Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Veteran's Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Employees of state institutions of higher learning shall also observe every day appointed by the President of the United States or by the Governor of this state for a public holiday.
If such a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be the holiday; or if the holiday falls on Sunday, the Monday following shall be the holiday.
University offices must be closed at twelve noon on December 24, Christmas Eve Day, which is an office closure and not a holiday; however, if December 25, Christmas Day, falls on a Saturday, institution offices must be closed all day on the preceding Friday, which is then a holiday.
Employees who because of work schedules have a regular day off that coincides with a holiday shall have an additional day off with pay at the convenience of the institution.
Holidays shall be counted as hours worked during a week. In establishing a forty-hour work week, annual leave, sick leave, official closings and holidays shall be counted as hours worked.
Annual leave, sick leave, other forms of paid leave, and compensatory time shall not be counted for overtime purposes.
Overtime hours may be approved on the basis of emergency circumstances or when it is impractical to maintain an additional temporary work force adequate to handle peak loads during regular hours. Overtime hours must be authorized by the Vice President for Business Affairs.
Special religious holidays may be observed with the advance approval of the department head. Such time shall be charged to accumulated annual leave.
A holiday is an eight-hour day for a full-time employee and a prorated part of an eight hour day for employees who work less than full-time.
North Dakota Century Code 1-03-02
NDUS Human Resources Policy Manual, Section 19 Holidays
NDUS Human Resources Policy Manual, Section 12 Overtime
Sponsored by: Vice President for Business Affairs
Reviewed: Winter 1996
Reviewed: Winter 2005
Revised: November 2015
Revised: April 2023