V820.01 Tuition Discount - Spouse and Dependents
The North Dakota State Board of Higher Education allows campuses to adopt tuition waivers which are consistent with an institution's mission. The spouse and dependent tuition discount is intended to help recruit and retain faculty and staff who can best
perform or support the teaching, research, and public service mission of the University.
A. The spouse and dependents of regular benefited VCSU employees are eligible for the discount.
- Dependents are defined as those unmarried children qualifying as dependents under the NDPERS health insurance plan (Primarily 26 years of age, or under)
- A spouse or dependent who is also a regular, benefited employee is eligible for the employee tuition waiver outlined in SBHE Policy 820, and (with student's supervisor approval) an additional three credits per semester at the rate defined in section B
of this policy.
- The spouse and/or dependents must meet enrollment standards and register for classes through regular registration procedures.
- The employee must be actively employed on the first day of each semester to be eligible for the discount.
B. The tuition discount is 50% of the tuition for VCSU classes (excluding self-supporting or Continuing Education courses) per spouse and/or dependent.
- The discount applies regardless of whether paying resident or out-of-state tuition.
- The maximum discount for the dependent of more than one eligible employee is 50%.
- Fees are not discounted or waived.
- Early Entry students will be eligible according to the terms of this policy.
- Discount applies to undergraduate and/or graduate classes.
C. Procedure
- A Spouse/Dependent Tuition Discount application and proof of eligibility needs to be submitted to Employee Services by the end of the second week of the session for which the waiver is requested. Given that conditions in this policy may change, it will
be necessary to review the conditions of eligibility each term.
- Proof of marriage/dependency is required. Accepted documents include birth certificate, marriage license, retirement beneficiary form, or health insurance dependent documentation.
- In accordance with federal regulations, the tuition discount will be used as a financial resource and become part of the student's financial aid package. The Financial Aid Office may need to adjust aid if the amount of the tuition discount, along with
other financial aid, exceeds the total cost of attendance.
- No employee who has an overdue accounts receivable balance with the University may receive a spouse/dependent tuition discount.
Sponsor: Human Resources Director
Effective: June 2012 (formerly 705.03)