Health Services Landing Page

Director of Health and Wellness
Betty Tykwinski, MSN, RN
Office Location: First Floor Mythaler Hall
Office Hours: 8:30 am - 2:30 pm - Walk in visits are always welcome
Phone Number: 701-845-7305 - Call to schedule an appointment or ask a question
Schedule an appointment online with Bookings.
Health Services Solutions
The mission of VCSU’s Student Health Services is to help each student achieve maximum physical health so that each student can participate fully in the educational and personal growth opportunities offered at VCSU.
Health Services are provided free of charge to all students enrolled at VCSU. These services include dispensing over-the-counter medications for minor illnesses, assessing and treating minor injuries, providing medical supplies as needed and making referrals to local medical clinics when indicated. Smoking Cessation Counseling is also available as VCSU is a tobacco free campus.
The Health Services Office is located on the first floor of Mythaler Hall and is staffed by a Registered Nurse. Office hours are 8:30:20am-2pm, Monday through Friday. Appointments can be made by email or a phone call, no walk-in appointments.
The Health Services Office is closed on weekends, term breaks, school holidays and during summer hours.
In general, all communication between you and the nurse is confidential. No information about you will be released outside of the Health Services without your permission. The EXCEPTIONS to confidentiality include:
- The nurse determines you are a threat to yourself or another person.
- There is a medical emergency.
- Records are subpoenaed in the court of law.
Local Health Services
City-County Health Department
415 2nd Ave. NE
Valley City, ND 58072
Essentia Health Valley City Clinic
132 4th Ave NE
Valley City, ND 58072
Mercy Hospital/Emergency Department
570 Chautauqua Blvd
Valley City, ND 58072
Sanford Health Valley City Clinic
520 Chautauqua Blvd
Valley City, ND 58072