Here's how to connect to the VCSU Wi-Fi from your iPhone:

  1. On your iPhone's home screen, locate and open the Settings app.
    Setting app icon in iPhone

  2. Select Wi-Fi.
    Screenshot shows where to find the WiFi settings

  3. Choose "VCSU" from the list of available networks.
    Screenshot shows where to find VCSU network in WiFi settings

  4. Enter your campus username and password. 
    Username format: firstname.lastname
    Example: john.doe

    Screenshot shows where to enter username and password

  5. Tap "Join" to proceed.

  6. Trust the certificate.

You're all set! Your connection should now be established.

Experiencing technical issues or have questions?
You can now submit a ticket from any of the following options:
  ✓ MyVCSU app
  ✓ Website link:
  ✓ Send an email to