Commonly Asked Purchasing Card Questions
What is my single transaction limit?
The Single transaction limit is $1,000.
What is my total credit line?
The monthly credit limit is $5,000.
Can I use my P-Card for University-sponsored travel?
Yes, travel expense other than meals and gasoline are allowable expenses.
Can my credit limit be increased?
Yes, have your supervisor email the P-Card Administrator with approval and justification for the credit limit increase.
When is my monthly reconciled Statement of Account due and where should it be sent?
Cardholders can run their statement of account report on the first of
every month. Paperwork is due in Business Office by the 8th of each
What if my paperwork is going to be late?
Email the Purchasing Card Administrator if your paperwork will be late.
What do I do if I have a suspicious or fraudulent charge on my statement?
Contact the P-Card Administrator or JPMorgan Chase.
What if I don’t have an itemized receipt for my transaction?
If you do not have a receipt/invoice for a transaction, you will need to contact the vendor for a replacement receipt/invoice.
If a merchant asks for a "Bill to" or "Verification" address, what do I give them?
The address associated with all VCSU purchasing cards is 101 College St SE Valley City ND 58054
How do I cancel my P-Card?
Email the P-Card Administrator and your supervisor. The canceled card
will then be given to your supervisor. The supervisor is responsible for
shredding and disposing of the card.
What if my Purchasing Card is declined?
Contact the Purchasing Card Administrator, 845-7232, and it will be determined why your card is being declined.
What are examples of items that MAY be purchased with the P-Card:
1 Year Subscriptions
Abstract Fees
Advertisement for Positions
Airline/Amtrak Tickets
Booth Rentals for Recruiting Students
Computer Supplies
Equipment ≤ $4,999
Equipment Rentals (Excluding Car Rentals)
Healthcare/Medical Services
IT Equipment ≤ $4,999
Supplies/Office Supplies
Tax Reportable Services/Fees (1099)
Web Domains
What items are NOT allowed for purchase with my P-Card?
Alcoholic Beverages
Cash Advances (ATM or other)
Hazardous Materials
Legal services
Motor Vehicles
Personal Expenses of Any Kind
Radioactive Materials
Travel (Excluding Airline/Amtrak Tickets & Registrations)
Per Diem meals will need to be requested through Travel & Expense Reimbursement