V520.05 Policies and Regulations for Student Organizations
Students at Valley City State University are free to organize and join organizations to promote their common interests. Student organizations wishing to be affiliated with Valley City State University must form and operate in compliance with university policy. The following is a guide pertaining to the formation and operation of student organizations.
I. Student Organization Recognition Procedure
- Persons seeking to form a recognized student organization should contact the Director of Student Activities for information and instructions on how to proceed.
- Any new group wishing to organize must file an Intent to Organize Form with the Director of Student Activities. The Director of Student Activities may grant pending status to groups awaiting formal recognition, allowing the following privileges:
- Temporary right to reserve university facilities.
- Temporary right to publicize meetings.
- Temporary right to attract membership.
- Within 30 days of completing the Intent to Organize, the group must submit one copy of its constitution and the name of faculty/staff adviser to the Director of Student Activities.
- Once an organization has been recognized it must maintain that status by registering with the Student Activities Office within the first thirty days of Fall Semester each academic year.
- Registration is completed by presenting to the Director of Student Activities:
- A current copy of the organization constitution.
- A roster of officers updated annually.
- The name of an adviser updated annually.
II. Rights of Recognized Student Organizations
- Recognized organizations are entitled to the following rights:
- The use of university facilities.
- The right to invite membership
- The right to publicize or make announcements on campus about group meetings and other events.
- Permission to conduct fundraising events (upon approval from the Foundation Office)
- The establishment of an account with the Business Office.
- The use of a university mailing address.
- The use of the university name, logo or abbreviation
- The right to request student activity funds from the Finance Commission of the Student Senate.
III. Duties of Recognized Student Organizations
- Register with the Director of Student Activities during the first 30 days of each Fall Quarter.
- Notify the Director of Student Activities of any change in name, constitution, or adviser of the group.
- Comply with all applicable laws and university policies and regulations.
- Monitor the academic progress and require a minimum of a 2.00 cumulative GPA for all officers of the organization.
Student organizations in violation of university rules are subject to the same sanctions as are individual students according to The Student Code of Conduct. Included are suspension or revocation of recognition. Procedures for the handling of disciplinary cases are outlined in The Student Code of Conduct.
Sponsored by: Vice President for Student Affairs
Reviewed: Winter 1996
Reviewed: Fall 2004
Revised Number: February 2010
Revised: August 2016
Revised: Spring 2022