V530.03 Scholastic Standing
A. Student Classifications
Regular Student status applies to anyone whose objective is to complete a degree. The following classifications apply:
Freshman <24 credits
Sophomore 24-59 credits
Junior 60-89 credits
Senior > 90 credits
Non degree status applies to anyone who has a degree and is enrolled for additional courses, or anyone who is enrolled for courses but not following an established program.
B. Grade Point Average
The grade point average is determined by calculating the total number of grade points earned and dividing by the number of credit hours in which a letter grade of A, B, C, D, or F was received. Other letter grades such as I, S, U, AU and W carry no grade point value and are not included in the calculation of the grade point average.
C. Grading and Grade Point System
Grades are reported in letter symbols. Each grade carries a value in grade points per credit hour. The system used is as follows:
Grade Points
D. Incompletes
The grade of incomplete is negotiated between instructor and student. This infrequently used option accommodates the student who was affected by conditions beyond his/her control (e.g. prolonged illness, family death) and who could not reasonably complete the course work during the term of enrollment, but who has in other respects done passing work for the semester. Whether or not a grade of I is assigned is entirely the prerogative of the course instructor. The student and instructor will develop a written contract detailing the assignments which remain to be completed and the time frame for completion. The grade of incomplete must be removed by the tenth week of the regular semester following the term in which it was reported. If the deficiency is not made up within the specified time, the incomplete will revert to the grade earned at the time the incomplete was negotiated. The instructor may request an extension of the time period by emailing the Office of the Registrar.
E. S-U Grade Option
A limited number of courses are graded on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis. No grade points are assigned.
To encourage students to explore subjects where they might not otherwise take a course, they may request permission to enroll in courses that are not required for their graduation on a satisfactory-unsatisfactory basis. No grade points are assigned. The student must notify the Office of the Registrar of his or her S-U grade option request no later than the last day to add the course. A maximum of 15 semester hours of non-required S-U graded courses may count toward graduation. Work of C level or better is required to receive an S grade.
F. Audit
Audit means to register and participate in class activities at the discretion of the instructor. No credit is awarded for an audited course. The student must notify the Office of the Registrar of his or her intent to audit a course no later than the last day to add the course. Cost of audit is one half tuition plus applicable fees.
G. Repeating a Course
A student may repeat a course to improve a grade. The original and repeated course grade will appear on the transcript. Only the most recent grade will be calculated in the cumulative grade point average.
H. Academic Honors
Dean’s Honor Roll. A student who completes 12 semester hours of Valley City State University classes for which grade points are earned and who received a grade point average of at least a 3.50 at the end of any semester qualifies for the Dean’s Honor Roll.
President’s Honor Roll. A student who completes 12 semester hours carrying grade points with a 4.00 grade point average at the end of any semester qualifies for the President’s Honor Roll.
Honor Roll. A student who completes 6-11 semester hours of Valley City State University classes for which grade points are earned and who received a grade point average of at least a 3.50 at the end of any semester qualifies for the Honor Roll.
Graduation Honors. The student who has achieved a cumulative grade point average between 3.50 and 3.74 at the time of graduation qualifies for the honor, cum laude. The student who has achieved a cumulative grade point average between 3.75 and 3.89 qualifies for the honor, magna cum laude. A student who has achieved a cumulative grade point average between 3.90 and 4.00 qualifies for the honor, summa cum laude.
I. Probation and Suspension: See policy V530.05.
Sponsored by: Academic and Scholastic Standing Committee
Reviewed: Winter 1996
Reviewed: Winter 2005
Revised Number: February 2010
Revised: March 2015
Revised: March 2016
Reviewed: Spring 2022