Passport Experience: Vision
Passport ID: Viking Vikki
Simulation: Low vision
Passport Experience:
Viking Vikki has low vision and likes to have her phone read out loud to her. Sometimes, emails are not read out loud and Vikki misses out on important information.
Let's see if the following Email examples can be read out loud. We will discuss possible solutions after the passport experience. Note - It is recommended to close your eyes during the demonstrations to fully understand this experience.
Example 1.0: Not accessible; missing alt text picture email
Example 1.1: Not accessible; auto-generated picture email
Example 2: Accessible picture email; with alt text
Thank you for participating! VCSU will continue to foster an understanding of how people with disabilities experience and use technology. While participating in this passport exercise, we hope you were able to discover empathy on three levels:
- Cognitive: Being able to take another person's perspective.
- Emotional: Sharing experiences. Truly understanding the person's emotional state.
- Compassionate: Being able to feel a person's situation. Feel with them and take action to help.
One Stop articles with additional information on Alt Text:
Core Topics of Digital Accessibility
Core Topic: Alt Text
For more information, contact: Debbie Dramstad, Web Accessibility and Application Specialist: