Blackboard Original: How to Copy Course Content (Video)
Additional Blackboard Help Resources
Check these resources for more information (links wi
Blackboard Original: Fixing the Course Entry Point (Video)
Open the course.
Go to Control Panel.
Go to Customization.
Click "Teaching Style".
Blackboard UBN / Original: Make your course available
About Course Availability
Access to a Blackboard course is determined by your role. For exampl
LockDown Browser Dashboard Error Message
A Student is about to take a test and they get the following message on their computer.
Blackboard Original: Make a Blackboard course Publicly Available for Guest Access
Here is how to make a Blackboard course publicly available for Guest Access:
Add the "Guest"
Blackboard Original: Archive a course
How to Archive a Blackboard Course
The archive course feature creates a permanent record o
Blackboard Original: Create Container for Contents (Add Menu Items)
Types of containers
You can create four types of containers to present content in an organized a
How to fix Scrollbar not appearing in Blackboard Gradebook on Macs
To resolve the problem of the scrollbars not appearing in the gradebook in Blackboard, do the follow
Copy a test to another course in Blackboard
First, export the test from the current course:
Navigate to the course that contains the test
Blackboard Apps
Blackboard mobile app:
App Store for Apple devices
Google Play for Android devices
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