How To: Create Accessible Tables in Word
These resources will show you how to format tables in your Word document using built-in accessibilit
How To: Convert PDF to Word
Whenever possible, share the original file format. However, if sharing a PDF is necessary, save the
UDL Strategies to Improve Blackboard Coarse Content
Twenty-Minute UDL Strategies to Improve Blackboard Course Content
1. Create and post goal stat
Digital Accessibility Support for Faculty
Tutorials and instructions for making your courses more digitally accessible are available. Use the
Core Topics of Digital Accessibility
Developing inclusive digital content is essential to enable all users, regardless of ability, to i
How To: Check Microsoft Office Accessibility
Microsoft Office has built-in tools to help guide us in making accessible documents. Just as the Ed
Core Topic: Accessible Document Structure
VCSU is committed to WCAG 2.1 AA compliance, but you don't need to be a WCAG expert to create acces
How To: Add ALT (Alternative) Text
Alternative text, or ALT text, helps people who are blind or have low vision understand what images
Guidelines: Writing Clear Instructions in One Stop Articles
Fast Five Guidelines:
Use numbered lists and bullet points.
Use complete sentences.
Do not u
Passport Experience: Learning Difficulty Disorder
Passport ID: Viking Dan
Simulation: Learning Difficulty Disorder
Passport Experience: